LIRE Remake and plan

Hi everyone, it's been while since I post my last update. I have bad news for you guys!. 

My hard drive is damaged and is currently being treated by a technician for data recovery. It's been almost a month and I heard an update that my hard drive prob can't be recovered but they are still trying to fix it.

If the worst case happen, I need to make LIRE from start again but don't worry Is not take 2 year like my first development. There alot change in LIRE remake there will be many changes in LIRE remake, especially in map and level design. 

I will make the map is a bit smaller and in the mansion is I will make the rel size mansion. Not to long if you want go from 1 room to other room and I can put bunch of stuff and also this will make looks nicer (hopefully) . 

It will be like this : (The video below is not from me)

And this attachment is sample for the new adjusment.  

Better environment, more cinematic, not to huge and not to long for each room.

I'm thinking about the camera which one I will use it on the back camera, static camera, top down camera, or 360 camera view 🤔

Note : I learn from this issue. I need to backup my file in online storage service. I will do that now! and also I will multiple backup in different Hardisk

So what do you think guys?  please comment below.. ٩(^◡^)۶


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